Engineering Services
NorthPoint’s Engineering Department is comprised of a group of talented engineers that will direct your project from inception to completion.
This department spans a wide spectrum of services that provide public and environmental benefits to many areas within our communities. We strive to come up with creative solutions that allow our clients to participate in the process of project development. It is our philosophy that we can provide the best service possible when we collaborate with all out team members.
Land Development Master Planning
Lot Line Adjustments and Subdivisions
Commercial/Industrial Development
Municipal Development
Development Plans
Grading Plans and Permits
Erosion Control Plans
Utility Plans
Restoration Plans
Road and Street Design
Traffic Studies
Noise Studies
Odor Abatement Plans
Building Code and Plan Review
Septic System Design
R2 Soils Reports
Encroachment Permits
Engineers Estimates of Probable Cost
Construction Management and Inspection
Water Resources
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses
Stormwater Master Plans
CEQA Drainage Technical Studies
Army Corp of Engineers 404 and 408 Permits
FEMA Certificates and Map Revisions
Local Floodplain Development Permits
Drainage Design
Detention/Retention Basin Sizing and Design
Water Supply and Demand Assessments
Water Rights
Small Drinking Water Systems
Low Impact Development Design
NPDES Planning and Permitting
Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
Light Framed Wood and Metal Building Design
Structural Steel Design
Retaining Wall Design
Foundation Design
Pre-Engineered Metal Building Foundation Design
Residential Bridge Design
Cantilevered Structure Design (Light Poles, Flag Poles, etc.)
Drone Services
3D Survey/Orthoimagery
Topographic Survey
Slope Analysis
Digital Surface Modeling (DSM)
Site Scanning and Inspections