Planning Services
NorthPoint’s Planning Department provides an impressive combination of education and experience, bringing creativity, character and thought to provide project solutions.
We take pride in our ability to identify the issues associated with a proposal, be attentive listeners, pose creative solutions, and effectively guide clients through the entitlement maze.
Our firm works with clients to ensure compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and handles all agency approval processes.
Due Diligence/Feasibility Studies
Land Use Entitlement Services
Land Use Planning
Lot Line Adjustments and Subdivisions
Use Permits
Coastal Development Permits
Special Permits
Zoning Clearance Certificates
Emergency Permits
Permit Violation Resolutions
CEQA/NEPA Compliance
Exemptions, FONSIs, Initial Studies, Environmental Assessments
Mitigation and Monitoring Plans
Technical Studies
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analysis (CalEEMod Software)
Noise Studies
Traffic Studies
Biological/Botany Studies
Hydrology and Water Quality Studies
Water Supply and Demand Studies
Agency Coordination/Consultation
State Water Resources Control Board Permits
Cannabis Cultivation Program Compliance (enrollment, management plans, water rights registration)
Small Drinking Water Systems
SMARA Mine Compliance and Reporting
Economic and Community Development Planning
Grant Application and Administration
Environmental Permitting (see Environmental Services)